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In English grammar, the future continuous tense can be changed from active voice to passive voice. Certainly! Here’s a guide on how to change sentences from active to passive voice in the Future Continuous Tense:

Structure 1:

Positive Form 

Active Voice Structure:

Subject + shall be/will be + verb + ing + Object + Remaining Part of the sentence (If have).

To change the voice from active to passive voice, structure of passive voice should be,

Passive Voice Structure:

Subject form of the Object (Active Voice) + shall be/will be + being + past participle form of the verb + by + object form of the subject (Active Voice) + Remaining part of the sentence (if have)


  • Active Voice: The professor will be reviewing your report this time tomorrow.

    Passive Voice: Your report will be being reviewed by the professor this time tomorrow.

  • Active Voice: We will be filming the TV series in London.

    Passive Voice: The TV series will be being filmed by us in London.

Structure 2:

Negative Form 

Active Voice Structure:

Subject + shall/will + not + be + verb + ing + Object + Remaining Part of the sentence (If have).

To change the voice from active to passive voice, structure of passive voice should be,

Passive Voice Structure:

Subject form of the Object (Active Voice) + shall/will + not + be  + being + past participle form of the verb + by + object form of the subject (Active Voice) + Remaining part of the sentence (if have)


  • Active Voice: They will not be eating Apples.

    Passive Voice: Apples will not be being eaten by them.

  • Active Voice: Birds will not be singing songs.

    Passive Voice: Songs will not be being sung by Birds.

Structure 3:

Active Voice Structure:

Shall/Will/Shall not/Will not + subject + be + verb + ing + Object + Remaining Part of the sentence (If have)?

To change the voice from active to passive voice, structure of passive voice should be,

Passive Voice Structure:

Shall/Will/Shall not/Will not + Subject form of the Object (Active Voice) + be + being + past participle form of the verb + by + object form of the subject (Active Voice) + Remaining part of the sentence (if have)?


  • Active Voice: Will the boys be playing cricket in the field?

    Passive Voice: Will cricket be being played by the boys in the field?

  • Active Voice: Will you be reading this book for upcoming exam?

    Passive Voice: Will this book be being read by you for upcoming exam?

  • Active Voice: Will not he be joining the next event?

    Passive Voice: Will not the next event be joint by him?

  • Active Voice: Will not he be finishing this next project?

   Passive Voice: Will not this next project be being finished by him?

Structure 4:

Active Voice Structure:

Wh Word (What/Who/Which etc.) + shall/will/shall not/will not + subject + be + verb + ing + Object + Remaining Part of the sentence (If have)?

To change the voice from active to passive voice, structure of passive voice should be,

Passive Voice Structure:

Wh Word (What/Who/Which etc.) + shall/will/shall not/will not + Subject form of the Object (Active Voice) + be + being + past participle form of the verb + by + object form of the subject (Active Voice) + Remaining part of the sentence (if have)?


  • Active Voice: How will they be accepting this proposal upcoming event?

    Passive Voice: How will this proposal be being accepted by them upcoming event?

  • Active Voice: What will you be focusing this project for next presentation?

    Passive Voice: What will this project be being focused by you for next presentation?

  • Active Voice: Why will not they be sending this file tomorrow?

    Passive Voice: Why will not this file be being sent by them tomorrow?

  • Active Voice:  Why will not they be doing this task for upcoming project?

   Passive Voice: Why will not this task be being done by them for upcoming project?

Structure 5:

Active Voice Structure:

Wh Word (What/Who/Which etc.) + Noun + Preposition + Noun + shall/will/shall not/will not + be + subject + verb + ing + Object + Remaining Part of the sentence (If have)?

To change the voice from active to passive voice, structure of passive voice should be,

Passive Voice Structure:

Wh Word (What/Who/Which etc.) + Noun + Preposition + Noun + shall/will/shall not/will not + Subject form of the Object (Active Voice) + be + being + past participle form of the verb + by + object form of the subject (Active Voice) + Remaining part of the sentence (if have)?


  • Active Voice: What kind of foods will you be cultivating on next day?

    Passive Voice: What kind of foods will be being selected by you on next day?

  • Active Voice: What types of goods will they be carrying for tomorrow picnic?

    Passive Voice: What types of goods will be being carried by them for tomorrow picnic?

  • Active Voice: Which types of luggage will not he be carrying on road?

    Passive Voice: Which types of luggage will not be being carried by him on road?

Structure 6:

Active Voice Structure:

Wh Word (What/Who/Which etc.) + shall/will/shall not/will not + be + verb + ing + Object + Remaining Part of the sentence (If have)?

To change the voice from active to passive voice, structure of passive voice should be,

Passive Voice Structure:

By whom + shall/will/shall not/will not + Subject form of the Object (Active Voice) + be + being + past participle form of the verb + Remaining part of the sentence (if have)?


  • Active Voice: Who will be getting a opportunity?

    Passive Voice: By whom will a opportunity be being got?

  • Active Voice: Who will be doing this project?

    Passive Voice: By whom will this project be being done?

  • Active Voice: Who will not joining tomorrow session?

    Passive Voice: By whom will not be being joined tomorrow session?

Structure 7:

Active Voice Structure:

Wh Word (What/Who/Which etc.) + shall/will/shall not/will not + object + be + verb + ing + Remaining Part of the sentence (If have)?

To change the voice from active to passive voice, structure of passive voice should be,

Passive Voice Structure:

Who + shall/will/shall not/will not + be + being + past participle form of the verb + by + Subject form of the Object (Active Voice) + Remaining part of the sentence (if have)?


  • Active Voice: Whom will they be inviting tomorrow’s show?

    Passive Voice: Who will be being invited by them tomorrow’s show?

  • Active Voice: Whom will they be driving tomorrow’s trip?

    Passive Voice: Who will be being driven by them tomorrow’s trip?

  • Active Voice: Whom will not the committee be selecting for a job?

    Passive Voice: Who will not be being selected by the committee for a job?

We hope this structure will be helpful to change the voice from active to passive voice in future continuous tense. To improve your skill, you must practice it to change this type of voice. 

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