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In English grammar, the Future Indefinite Tense can be changed from active voice to passive voice. Certainly! Here’s a guide on how to change sentences from active to passive voice in the Future Indefinite Tense:

Structure 1:

Positive Form 

Active Voice Structure:

Subject + shall/will + Present form of verb + Object + Remaining Part of the sentence (If have).

To change the voice from active to passive voice, structure of passive voice should be,

Passive Voice Structure:

Subject form of the Object (Active Voice) + shall/will + be + past participle form of the verb + by + object form of the subject (Active Voice) + Remaining part of the sentence (if have)


  • Active Voice: I will write a letter.

    Passive Voice: A letter will be written by me.

  • Active Voice: John will learn the lesson.

    Passive Voice: The lesson will be learnt by John.

Structure 2:

Negative Form 

Active Voice Structure:

Subject + shall not/will not + Present form of verb + Object + Remaining Part of the sentence (If have).

To change the voice from active to passive voice, structure of passive voice should be,

Passive Voice Structure:

Subject form of the Object (Active Voice) + shall not/will not + be + past participle form of the verb + by + object form of the subject (Active Voice) + Remaining part of the sentence (if have)


  • Active Voice: They will not sign these papers.

    Passive Voice: These papers will not be signed by them.

  • Active Voice: He shall not speak a word to you.

    Passive Voice: A word shall not be spoken by him to you.

Structure 3:

Active Voice Structure:

Shall/Will/Shall not/Will not + subject + Present form of verb + Object + Remaining Part of the sentence (If have)?

To change the voice from active to passive voice, structure of passive voice should be,

Passive Voice Structure:

Shall/Will/Shall not/Will not + Subject form of the Object (Active Voice) + be + past participle form of the verb + by + object form of the subject (Active Voice) + Remaining part of the sentence (if have)?


  • Active Voice: Will they start a business?

    Passive Voice: Will a business be started by them?

  • Active Voice: Will you help me?

    Passive Voice: Will I be helped by you?

  • Active Voice: Will not he know your family?

    Passive Voice: Will not your family be known to him?

  • Active Voice: Will not they hire me for this post?

   Passive Voice: Will not I be hired by them for this post?

Structure 4:

Active Voice Structure:

Wh Word (What/Who/Which etc.) + shall/will/shall not/will not + subject + Present form of verb + Object + Remaining Part of the sentence (If have)?

To change the voice from active to passive voice, structure of passive voice should be,

Passive Voice Structure:

Wh Word (What/Who/Which etc.) + shall/will/shall not/will not + Subject form of the Object (Active Voice) + be + past participle form of the verb + by + object form of the subject (Active Voice) + Remaining part of the sentence (if have)?


  • Active Voice: How will they accept it?

    Passive Voice: How will it be accepted by them?

  • Active Voice: What will he give me?

    Passive Voice: What will I be given by him?

  • Active Voice: Why will they accept the offer letter?

    Passive Voice: Why will not the offer letter be accepted by them?

  • Active Voice: What will not he perform it?

   Passive Voice: What will not it be performed by him?

Structure 5:

Active Voice Structure:

Wh Word (What/Who/Which etc.) + Noun + Preposition + Noun + shall/will/shall not/will not + subject + Present form of verb + Object + Remaining Part of the sentence (If have)?

To change the voice from active to passive voice, structure of passive voice should be,

Passive Voice Structure:

Wh Word (What/Who/Which etc.) + Noun + Preposition + Noun + shall/will/shall not/will not + Subject form of the Object (Active Voice) + past participle form of the verb + by + object form of the subject (Active Voice) + Remaining part of the sentence (if have)?


  • Active Voice: What kind of birds will you watch tomorrow?

    Passive Voice: What kind of birds will be watched by you tomorrow?

  • Active Voice: What types of foods will you buy next day? 

    Passive Voice: What types of foods will be bought by you next day?

  • Active Voice: Which types of foods will not they allow next event?

    Passive Voice: Which types of foods will not be allowed by them next event?

We hope this structure will be helpful to change the voice from active to passive voice in future indefinite tense. To improve your skill, you must practice it to change this type of voice. 

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