Noun indicates the name of a person, places, activities, designation or ideas. A complete sentence usually consists of at least a subject and a verb. The subject describes some person or thing, and the verb describes an action carried out by the subject.
In most cases, the subject is a noun or a pronoun. So the most basic role for a noun is to act as the subject for a verb that follows it.
Classification of Noun:
There are Five types of Noun:
Proper Noun
Common Noun
Collective Noun
Abstract Noun
Material Noun
1. Proper Noun
Proper Noun is the name of specific person, place or thing. It is also called “proper names”. In English, proper nouns are always capitalized.
Example: Luna, Maldives etc.
Male is the capital of Maldives.
Salam is a clever boy.
2. Common Noun
Common Noun represents the name of a class or members. It also includes the names of different jobs, plants and animals, geographical features, ideas, objects, and many other things.
Example: Boy, Girl, Student, city etc.
Ali is the best boy in the class.
Luna is a beautiful girl.
3. Collective Noun
Collective Noun indicates the name of the group or team. It describes a group of people acting together.
Example: Army, gang, jury, faculty, board etc.
The navy is ready for the voyage.
This year’s basketball team adds two players who are more than six feet tall.
4. Material Noun
Material Noun indicates the name of material, substance or ingredient something. It is a noun that can be measured or weighed but cannot be counted.
Example: Milk, Sugar, Tea, Gold etc.
Give me a cup of tea.
Iron is a heavy metal.
5. Abstract Noun
Abstract Noun is usually the name of a quality, action or situation. It is not physical or tangible. It can also refer to concepts, ideas, experiences, traits, feelings, or entities.
Example: Honesty, Beauty, Poverty etc.
Honesty is the best policy.
Always speak the truth.
Overalls, the classification of noun will be helpful to identify the noun in the sentence. Based on their functions, they are used in different cases. Knowledge of the types of nouns can help us understand the properties of nouns, and this can help us use them more accurately and appropriately in relation to other words in a sentence.