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Pronoun replaces the name of a person, places, thing or ideas. It can refer to people, things, places, and concepts. They can function as the subject or object of a sentence.

Classification of Pronoun:

There are Eight types of Pronoun:

1.Personal Pronoun                

2.Demonstrative Pronoun

3.Interrogative Pronoun

4.Indefinite Pronoun

5.Relative Pronoun

6.Possessive Pronoun

7.Reflexive Pronoun

8.Reciprocal Pronoun

1. Personal Pronoun 

Personal Pronoun defines a particular person, group, place or thing. Basically, each of the English personal pronouns shows us the grammatical person, gender, number, and case of the noun it replaces

Example: I, We, You, He, She, It, Them, Us etc.

  • I love this book.
  • Don’t look at them.

2. Demonstrative Pronoun

Demonstrative Pronoun replaces the specific point of noun. They are used to highlight something that was previously mentioned or that is clear from the context.

Example: This, That, Those etc.

  • This is my car.
  • Those were good days

3. Interrogative Pronoun

Interrogative Pronoun is used to ask directly question of pronoun. They help ask questions and get specific information. They replace nouns in questions to make things easier to understand.

Example: What, Who, Whom, How etc.

  • Which is faster?
  • Who won the race?

4. Indefinite/Distributive Pronoun

When the pronoun is used for more than one thing or person in a situation, it is called Indefinite/Distributive Pronoun. It defines to unspecified person or thing.

Example: Any, Anything, Everybody, Everyone etc.

  • Nothing is impossible.
  • We each think the same.

5. Relative Pronoun

Relative Pronoun is used to create a relationship between the part of the sentence or clause. It also provides more information about the preceding noun or noun phrase.

Example: Who, Which, Where etc.

  • The pencil which she lost was blue.
  • The person who invited me is my best friend.

6. Possessive pronoun

Possessive Pronoun indicates only the ownership of something. When someone or something owns something else, the noun is written to show this possession. How this is done depends on the spelling of the original noun but most commonly, this is done by adding an apostrophe and the letter ‘s’.

Example: His, Her, Its, Yours etc.

  • This book is mine.
  • The pen is yours.

7. Reflexive Pronoun

Reflexive Pronoun indicates the subject performing own action. They refer back to a person or thing. We often use reflexive pronouns when the subject and the object of a verb are the same.

Example: Himself, Ourselves, Myself etc.

  • He hurts himself.
  • I ask myself when I take a decision.

8. Reciprocal pronoun

Reciprocal Pronoun makes the relation between two or more persons or things. The construction of this pronoun expresses mutual relationships.

Example: Each other, One another etc.

(When the subject are two persons, we use each other.

When the subject are more than two persons, we use one another.)

  • We should help one another.
  • Luna and Lily like each other.

The main function of pronouns is to replace nouns. Functionally, pronouns are similar to nouns. They also resemble the subject, direct-indirect objects, things, and places. These eight types of pronouns are there. Each of them has a different specialty.

The classification of pronoun will be helpful for the learner to use this type of pronoun in different situation. 

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