Parts of Speech is a class of word which indicates the function of the words according to the structure of the sentence.
We can not make sentence properly without the knowledge of parts of speech.
Classification of Parts of Speech:
There are Eight types of Parts of Speech:
1. Noun
It indicates the name of a person, places, activities, designation or ideas.
Example:Shop, Dubai, Toys etc.
Ana is going to Dubai.
Salam is a good boy.
2. Pronoun
It replaces the name of a person, places, activities or ideas.
Example:She, He, My, Myself etc.
They play football.
He hurts himself.
3. Adjective
It modifies the noun/pronoun in a sentence.
Example:High, Short, Beautiful, Few, Good etc.
He is a good boy.
I have few books.
4. Verb
It indicates to do the action.
Example:Read, Play, Walk, Write etc.
I read a book.
The old man walks slowly
4. Adverb
It modifies a verb, an adjective, another adverb or even a whole sentence.
Example:Early, Slowly, Carefully, Quickly etc.
She walks slowly.
You should read carefully.
6. Preposition
Preposition is used to make a relationship between a noun or pronoun and another word in the sentence. Besides, it indicates the direction, time and place.
Example:By, With, Above, On etc.
He sat on the chair.
You will success in life.
7. Conjunction
It makes connection between the sentence.
Example: If, Though, But, And etc.
I am tall but can not touch the wall.
She usually eats at home because she likes cooking.
8. Interjection
It uses to make expression in the sentence.
Example: Hurrah! Oh! Wow! etc.
Hurrah! We have won the match.
Wow! You are looking so gorgeous.
Overalls, Parts of Speech indicates how it functions grammatically and in meaning within a sentence. Depending on how a word is used, it may represent different elements of speech.